" Clark and his brother Sterling entered into a famous feud in 1923, that lasted until their deaths. The terms of the family trust limited its beneficiaries to the four brothers and their issue. Sterling, who was childless and had married his long-term French mistress in 1919, sought to change the terms of the trust to make her a beneficiary.[13] Clark refused to agree to the change.[14] Sterling withdrew his portion of the trust's assets, sold his properties in Cooperstown, and never spoke to Clark again.[15] "


" The Hall of Fame was established in 1939 by Stephen Carlton Clark, the owner of a local hotel. Clark had sought to bring tourists to a city hurt by the Great Depression, which reduced the local tourist trade, and Prohibition, which devastated the local hops industry.  "



" Edward Clark came to Cooperstown just prior to the Civil War, having married Caroline Jordan, a village native and the daughter of his law partner, Ambrose Jordan. In 1848, Isaac Merritt Singer became a client of Ambrose & Clark in New York, and when he invented the sewing machine, Clark dropped his legal career for a 50 percent stake in I.M. Singer & Company, eventually becoming its head. "


' On September 24,[28][29] MacGuire visited Butler's hotel room in Newark.[30] In late-September Butler met with Robert Sterling Clark.[31] Clark was an art collector and an heir to the Singer Corporation fortune.[32][33]MacGuire had known Robert S. Clark when he was a second lieutenant in China during the Boxer Rebellion. Clark had been nicknamed "the millionaire lieutenant".[33] '

' Nonetheless, the McCormack-Dickstein Committee "delet[ed] extensive excerpts relating to Wall Street financiers including Guaranty Trust director Grayson Murphy, J.P. Morgan, the Du Pont interests, Remington Arms, and others allegedly involved in the plot attempt. Even today, in 1975, a full transcript of the hearings cannot be traced." [3] '

